Sunday 17 April 2011

Livin' La Vida Laura

This is going to be one of those cliche first posts where I ramble on about myself.

I have an obsession with VW buses. To me they are beautiful, representing freedom and a time gone by. I have this dream of buying one, filling it with books, a vinyl player and records and going on a tour of the UK. No plan, No carefully planned out touring schedule, just the road and the feeling of adventure.

I am very bad at choosing favourites. In fact I only have one, a favourite song, that is The Jam - A Town Called Malice.

I plan to go on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire at some point in my life. I wouldn't want to go on The Weakest Link because you have to rely on other people to help you gain money and keep you in the game. Of course there is the risk of looking an idiot on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire because all the pressure is on you but it also means no-one can spoil it for you.

During take off and the landing of a plane I am usually asleep. Some people find the experience frightening and nauseating, I find it very relaxing.

I often ponder who I would like at my dream celebrity dinner party. It changes quite often, although David Attenborough, Robert Winston and Richard Dawkins never leave the list.

Wearing odd socks has become a predictable thing for me to do. I don't do it intentionally, I just wear whatever I grab first. I would rather spend my time doing other things than pairing socks. My thinking is as long as they cover my feet why does it matter? Other people make a bit of a fuss over it sometimes. My uncle once asked enquired about my socks not matching, when I shrugged he rambled on about how it's not right and it just looks really weird. The fuss he was making you would think I was wearing them on my ears.

I am constantly wanting to broaden my horizons. I want to experience as much of what the world has to offer as I can in my lifetime. Going to a new place, listening to a band someone has recommended, trying different foods. I want to sample it all, I want to push my boundaries and test myself. Mostly, I don't want to lie on my death bed wishing that I had lived a fuller life, regretting not taking chances.

In a pub quiz my best categories are History, Literature and General Knowledge.

I think that's enough rambling for now. I am off to sleep feeling content and positive.

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